Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wrapping Up Another Memory

I am finally up and running after getting home from Lake Powell... again.  There were more sheets to wash and more towels to dry.  There was definitely a lot more "stuff" to put away.  After a week at "Powell", my home looks like the epicenter of a catastrophic earthquake.  It always takes me a good week to come out from under the rubble.

Now, Powell seems like a distant memory that was filled with wonderful family, lots of laughter and stories that will last for decades.  I am so grateful to have a wonderful family on both sides of Lily's family tree.  She is so lucky to have cousins and relatives who sing to her, play with her and love her.  I AM SO LUCKY.  

Now that our family is all tucked away into their different corners on the east coast (e.g., Boston, Georgia and New Jersey),  I can't help but miss them and wish that we all could have had just one more week together... or at least a longer goodbye at the marina where we all parted.  Family is really such a wonderful thing to have in mine and Martin's life.  We... I cherish it above everything else.  

So, until next November (You think I'm going to pass up another Macy's Day Parade in NYC?) where we will all meet up again and drown ourselves in turkey gravy and those oh so delightful  yams.  Until then, I will think of our trip to Lake Powell and smile... and laugh.  Especially when I think of my sister-in-law, Katy, screaming unspeakable words as she jumped off a cliff near our houseboat.   Apparently Katy will jump off a cliff if provoked, but not without telling each of us how she feels about us on her way down.  That will be filed away as a "priceless" moment for the Frey family books.

Before I leave you this evening, below is a photo that Martin's cousin, Peter, caught on his camera of our houseboat in the canyon.  Most mornings look like this.  I have to pinch myself every time knowing that I get to wake up to so much beauty.