It's been such a fun week spending time with Martin sailing on the San Francisco bay.
We have had a lot of fun laughs together and have enjoyed some wonderful time well-spent just being with one another. We really miss Lily (who is at "Summer" camp at my sister, Chelsey's house) but are relishing the time that we are having together.
Here are some photos from my Instagram that are sure to entertain.

The difference between my bag and Martin's bag. Apparently being a cute sailor requires more baggage.

Me discussing the movie, Captain Ron with my skipper. Oh, and how to back up a boat.
I yelled, "batten down the hatches!" a few times just for kicks.

Sailing apparently adds 45 lbs. Note to self: Get a more slimming life jacket.

A view from underneath the Bay Bridge.

A little pensive about the start of a cold and rainy day on the water.

When in Rome...

Another beautiful view of San Francisco.
...And no post would be complete without posting a picture of me trying to take a picture of myself at high wind on the boat. I call this my, "Bangs on the high sea" montage.

Now, Martin and I are in from the cold warming our salty legs and enjoying a hot cup of cocoa.
I hope you all are enjoying your week!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone