A couple of weeks ago, I posted this painting that was painted for me by Elizabeth Leavitt. She and I don't know each other. We've never met in person, but I consider her a friend.
Elizabeth sent the painting of me and Lily along with a few other paintings on a day I was feeling particularly tired and low when it came to Lily. Standing at the mailbox, I opened her envelope with the paintings inside. When I pulled them out and looked closely at them, I felt my knees buckle. She had captured me with Lily. She had captured Martin with Lily. I just sat on the curb and looked at her paintings over and over (Of course, tears streaming down my face. What's new?).
Elizabeth painted her perception of my relationship with Lily just by reading through my blog. She was pretty spot on. I'm a holder, cuddler, keeper of all things safe, AND you-can-count-on-me-to-go-all-mama-bear-if-need-be. Yep, that's me. I can't help it when it comes to Lily.
Now, let's talk about Dad...
The other side of the parenting spectrum is Martin. When Martin comes home from work, Lily ONLY sees him. She doesn't want anything to do with me because dad is where IT IS AT.
I love how Elizabeth's painting captured Martin's relationship with Lily. Again, by looking through my blog, she figured out how Martin is the keeper of all things fun for Lily.
This time she was REALLY dead on!
Martin is the lover of joy and exploration. This painting captures EVERYTHING when it comes to Martin and Lily's love for each other and adventure.
I know, I know, I tend to be a hovering mom. I mean, I have every reason to be one. With Martin, there is no hovering. When they are together, he throws her high into the air or wrestles with her down on the ground.
When I want to be all soft and cuddly with Lily, Martin wants to take her on his next big adventure. Sometimes they are the kind where I can't open my eyes or my heart will stop kind of adventures. Lily was THIS CLOSE to climbing Everest with him. Speaking of which, Lily has been to the top of many a mountain while strapped onto his back.
When I want to take Lily and hold her calmly, and all protective-like, Martin is the exact opposite. He will have nothing to do with all this coddling. Little girls are meant to be thrown high into the air and back into their daddy's arms. He does a good job at reminding her of that.
Martin loves his little girl and she loves him right back.
I love this picture so. It captures Lily and her dad. It captures the adventures he creates for her every single day. It captures his love for her; his kind of way of demonstrating love. It captures them.
This picture will be hung in Lily's room, over her new big girl bed (still in the works).
Because Elizabeth is so generous, she also threw in two more of her paintings for me to give to someone else.

Because I am such a miser, I kept them for myself. In fact, I kept them and framed them. So there.
Thank you Elizabeth. I love the internet for so many reasons, but right now I love it because I found you.
P.S. Elizabeth is opening an Etsy store soon! When she does, I'll let you know!