Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two Movies, One Story and Some Hair Bows

Recently, I saw two movies.  Not at once.  They were the kind of movies that you have to tell your friends to go see.  Since you are my friends, I am telling you to see these movies if you want to be moved and inspired to live a better life and create an even better story for yourself.

The first movie was, "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close."  Now mind you, most of you have probably already read the book or have seen the movie.  However, I had to chime in on a movie that I was not expecting to impact me in the least, but instead changed me for the better.  It changed me in how I want to create my life going forward.  Let's hope it takes.

I knew entering the theater that it was going to be a two-tissue ending, but what got me, was that I was well into my box of tissues midway through the movie.  The story showed the love between a shy, socially awkward, incredibly talented little boy and his father, who dies on 9/11 in one of the twin towers. I loved the memories that were played back in this boys mind about his very loving father and how the father was able to continue to influence and teach his son, even after his untimely death.

Then there is the love of an emotionally distant mother (because of her dealing with the loss in her own way) and everything that she does in the face of grief to find her son once again and to literally save him from a life of despair over the death of his father.  The mother (Sandra Bullock) is able to create a new beginning for the two of them because of her great acts of selflessness in the midst of her grieving.  I won't go into detail because if you have any sense of humanity, you will adore this movie and the lessons on love, in all it's forms, and how it is gifted to this one small, awkward, fabulous, quirky young boy.  I would love to have had him as my son.  The  movie chokes me up just writing about it.

After coming home from the movie and reeling from it's impact on me, I asked Martin, "Have I made my mark on the world yet?"  Again, I said, "Will my life make a difference in the world once I have left?"  "Have I lived enough with the happenchance that I could 'go' tomorrow?"  More questions arose, "Do I know everyone's story?" You know, the people I know. Or the people I pass in the grocery store or the mothers that I nod at in the park when playing with Lily.  Do I know my neighbors stories?  Everyone has a story and have I asked them about it yet?  I need to be a better friend, a better neighbor, a better sister and a better daughter.  I need to be the best wife, because my husband is the best husband to me.  I need to work on a few things.

While brushing my teeth that night, and still thinking about the movie, I stopped and looked into the mirror and thought, "Does anyone know MY story?"  In some ways, yes.  This blog is helping me to slowly unfold it.  Especially about my life with my little piece of sunshine, Lily.  However, my story began long before she came into the picture (although she really is the best part).  Then and there, I made a resolution to talk about my story more.  I think it is pretty interesting and I want to continue to add life experiences and adventures to make it even more of a good read.  Warning: Sometimes though, it is just plain boring—if it wasn't, I'd be exhausted anyway.  So, while I write AND live my stories, I would always welcome yours.

Whoa.  I wrote a bit more than I had planned on for the first movie.  However, I still want to tell you about the second movie that I watched last night.  So read on, you'll want to see this one.  I think.

Martin was out of town last night climbing a mountain.  So, I was home alone with Lily (which I cherish every so often). I had all these chores planned to do without my husband wanting me to just spend time with him.  He is hugely influential as to why I don't do a daily post.  He always wants me to spend time with him talking, reading, hiking... something.  I guess I make for pretty good company.

Anyway, since I was alone, I thought, "Well, Martin is doing what he loves to do, so I want to do something creative."  I have all these half hobbies.  Things that I am okay at but would be fabulous at them if I just sat down and honed in on the skill. I don't, so they are splinter skills that I can do on occasion if prompted.

I had been seeing all these cute little flannel hair bows all over the internet, so I decided I was going to learn how to make them myself.  Well, that meant that I had to either have some music on or watch something inspiring and entertaining while not actually looking at the TV (since I'd be looking down making bows and all...).

I had heard of the movie called, The Way but only because I knew it was a movie about the pilgrimage to El Camino de Santiago in Spain.  I served an 18-month mission, 21 years ago in Spain representing my church (I'm LDS, Mormon) and had heard of the pilgrimage then and thought it would be fun to do one day.  It's basically a 500 mile walk starting in the Pyrenean foothills all the way to the to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in northwestern Spain.  Tradition has it that the remains of the apostle, James, are buried there.

Did I give you enough of a background about the pilgrimage?  Sorry. The movie, The Way was on Pay-Per-View so I seized the time to watch it (and charge it without Martin protesting).  So I watched, the movie while I made bows for my baby girl.

The movie is about a father (Martin Sheen) and his son, Daniel (played by Sheen's actual son, Emilio Estevez), who don't see eye-to-eye on what the son  is doing with his life.  The movie starts out by the father taking Daniel to the airport and asking him where he was going this time and when will he return.  Daniel simply answers, "I don't know when I'll return."  The father is angry by the way his son lives his life and in return he defends the comfortable life that he has chosen instead of the wanderlust of his son.  Daniel's only response is, "You don't choose a life dad, you LIVE one."  Which is the basis to the rest of the story.
The next scene, the father is on a golf course and receives a call from a policeman in France telling him that Daniel has been killed.  The father flies to France to retrieve his son's body. Only upon seeing Daniel's body and learning of the pilgrimage that he was about to embark on, does the father decide to make the pilgrimage in Daniel's honor.  He decides that he will spread Daniel's ashes along the "route" all the way to the Cathedral of Santiago in Galicia.

During the father's journey, he meets up with three other characters—all are experiencing their own life journey along the path to the Cathedral of Santiago. Each individual's story eventually unfolds throughout the course of the movie and you learn the reason as to why they feel the need to take this pilgrimage. The ending is lovely with the  father finally being able to see, know and understand Daniel while also realizing that he needs to start LIVING his life.  And he does.

I loved the whole movie.  I loved that it was slow.  I loved how the father felt his son's presence throughout the pilgrimage, bringing him closer than he has ever been--even when his son was alive.  I loved the other characters and their reasons as for why they took the long walk.  I loved the end where each one realizes that they were no longer strangers on a lonely path in Spain.  I loved the idea of living our lives and always knowing that we can choose to not be alone.

I couldn't go to sleep for an hour after the movie because I was thinking of what an adventure it would be to walk the El Camino de Santiago.   So, I started mapping out a plan for Martin and I to do it in the next year or so (He has a few big item adventures that need to get put behind us first).  My goal would be to do it while Lily is still little and we are still able to carry her in a backpack.  I think it would be a fun adventure for the three of us.  This movie really helped prompt me to get excited about more adventures, which I have been kind of lazy about doing as of late.  You know with Lily and all, I get tunnel vision.  So, since I still couldn't sleep, I continued my adventure list and wrote down everything I want to do and experience in my lifetime.  I would love to complete the whole list, but even if I get in a few check marks on my list, I'll be satisfied.

My own personal pilgrimage. Well, kind of.
Last year, Martin climbed Mt. Everest--which is the tallest mountain in the world standing at 29,028ft.  I climbed with Martin to Everest base camp at 17,500 ft.  My journey with Martin was 11 days.  It was the most wonderful 11 days in my adult life, aside from giving birth to Lily.  Martin and I laughed, told stories to one another, stole away in the dark of the Himalayas with our hot lemon tea and talked about our goals and what we want each other to accomplish in the years to follow.  The challenge of this trek was HARD and I shed a few tears because of the rough terrain and harsh weather, but when I got to the top, the view was breathtaking.  Our journey together was a priceless memory that we will remember for the rest of our lives.  Money could not have purchased the strength it gave to us as a couple and the friendship that it rekindled.

So I say to the readers of my blog, find a way, if you are able and make a journey happen for you.  If any of you ever have the chance to do a journey with the ones you love, I challenge you to do it.  It doesn't have to be an arduous 11-day trek.  It can be 2 days, just do something where nothing can distract you.  Preferably a place where the internet is intermittent and the conversations go into the wee hours of the morning.  I loved Martin more than I thought I could after this journey together.  When I turned to leave base camp and head towards home to Lily, I knew I was also leaving Martin (who stayed another 40 days to accomplish his climb).  Our parting was so hard, because I loved him so much and was so fearful of the unknown.  Would he come back? A dismal thought, but it was possible.  It was heartwrenching to leave him, even though deep down I knew that he'd be okay.  In fact, if you want a good sniffle, you can read about our parting here on Martin's Climbing Blog:  Post: Lobuche or Bust!

So, what I am saying is, get out and create your own adventures.  Go on the kind of adventure where you come back more in love with your spouse, family AND yourself.  It's possible, you know?

If nothing else, and if I haven't bored you enough already—go to the movies!

Bonus: Here is my first attempt with bows while watching my movie last night.  Not too shabby. Next time they will be much fancier, but I'm good for now.