Day one, Martin and I recovered from a redeye flight, so we walked around like zombies.
Day two we hung out at the hotel pool. Martin played for hours with Lily while I, of course, people watched. It was a beautiful day.
White skin and sun dilemma:
I thought that my virgin white skin didn't get an inch of sun (or so I thought) the entire day. I thought for sure that I had that skin that just took well to the sun. It wasn't until dinner did the seriousness of my latent burn manifest the severity of my situation. I was toast... burned toast! I guess that tomorrow I'll be wearing my ten gallon sun hat to make sure I don't have this happen again!
Today we board our catamaran and will start the discovery of the islands throughout the BVI's.
Now this is what we came here to do! Martin will take the helm most of the time, but we brought along a captain as backup. Hopefully we will get through the week unscathed. We're so excited!
More updates if time and Internet will allow.
Enjoy the photos!

Lily didn't sleep the first leg of the flight. So that means, neither did her parents. Ugh!

The second leg, Lily slept like a baby. Mom and dad weren't as lucky.

Within 30 minutes of arriving at the hotel, I could feel my hair beginning to lose all sense of it's style and begin the notorious frizz. A huge downside to my tropical vacation.

Lily and dad opted to skip the sleeping when we first got to the hotel, while I opted to get some shut eye. An hour later, I caught the two of them in the pool, all alone, happily giggling together. It melted my heart.

Then Lily decided that she needed to get in some snuggly time with mom. Mom felt the same way.

Day 2: Lily and dad were found playing at the pool... again!
I think Lily thought that she had died and gone to heaven having both her mom and dad at her disposal, let alone playing with her in a pool! Life is pretty perfect for this three-year-old right about now.

She's just happy to be here.

I was happily enjoying my perfect spot to get some sun, until I met one of the locals. Yeeoowwzzaa!

Our pretty hotel.

I was going to invite myself to one of the outside cabanas until I saw this guy welcoming me. See if you can find him, and when you do, know that's about the time I saw him.
Honestly, I've never run upstairs so quickly in my life! Just know that my elbow brushed up against him before I saw him. (Insert loud, embarrassing scream here!)

Lily took laziness to a whole new level.

Now, we're checked out of our hotel and off to Tortola (British Virgin Islands) to board a catamaran for the week.
First, we stopped to shop for shades for Lily. If I could have, I would have purchased the ones shown in the picture. However, it's not a perfect world, and I'm no dummy. I opted for a $10 pair that will do her just fine... until she rips them off her face and throws them into the ocean without any of us noticing. I already know their fate.
I hope to write about more of our adventures to come, but before I go...
Hair update. Day 3:

It will only get worse.
Internet will be intermittent for the next few days, but when I can, I'll post some more photos from our fun times spent as a family touring the islands.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone