Monday, February 6, 2012

What a Week Looks Like

 According to my iPhone...
We made two trips to Primary Children's Hospital. How cute is this little lady?
Lily went to school and returned SAFELY on the bus. Whew!
It included a trip to various craft stores in search of Valentine decor.
A new diet.  What's new?  Also, reason #22 why I shouldn't talk on the phone and put groceries away.
A trip with Tonia to shop for Valentine wreaths. Of course, I can never resist posing with overly large objects.
We ended up fashioning our own.  Our finished projects.
Martin and I went to a Jazz game with Amy and Rollin to celebrate this cute teenager's sweet 16.
Of course, when in large crowds, I can't help but people watch.  My favorite was this lady and her bedazzled, short dress and plunging neckline on the first row.  Clearly a Lakers fan. I love people watching!

Here's to a new, fabulous week!  Enjoy!