Friday, February 24, 2012

My week so far, according to my Instagram

This week was full of more flowers, trips to Provo, spending time with good friends and old friends. Our family celebrated a friend's birthday and I am so sad that she and her family are moving away.  I finished up some projects, scrapped some old projects (never enough time), and bought someone else's project (because it's the easiest way of all).

We tried out a new pup for Lily (Note: This is not Lily's new dog. "Ollie" just came over for a test run and visit.  Ollie belongs to my friend, Liz.  Funny thing, Liz was helping me to find the right kind of dog for Lily and instead, she ended up finding herself the right pup.  Ooops! Sorry, Liz. Puppies make people cave. Ollie is a sweetheart and we hope to be as lucky as Liz! The search is still on and we will have a new furry addition to our home soon!  Soon, I tell ya!

Lily and I spent our days together, doing our toenails, finishing up some deadlines, writing in my blog, playing with dad and waking up in the wee hours of the morning to get some comfort from the remains of a bad dream.  We've had a great week as a family and I am so glad to be living in the midst of my terribly busy, terribly crazy, never-a-moment-to-rest, creative and love filled home that I call LIFE.

My pretty flowers in my pretty collection of vases.
Up close and just as pretty.
Lily's first meeting with Ollie. (How cute is Ollie?}
Just about the sweetest doggy ever.  Look at that face!
And this folks, is why we must get Lily a dog.  Almost there. Almost.
By happen chance, Lily was watching a silly show, "Melissa and Joan"...
...and her cousin, Summer, was watching the exact same show in Provo.  What 
are the odds?  Pretty great seeing that Summer's mom and I are kin and akin
to watching the same "filler" shows while getting ready in the morning.
Lily putting her best foot forward.
Then getting those feet "fancified". (I do this constantly. How do I not polish these toes?)
Victory roses for my dear, dear friend that is now cancer-free!  
I can't wait to drop them off at her door and celebrate this amazing triumph. 
This was truly a miracle.
The cutest Valentines day quilt that I didn't make.  Wish you could see all the detail.
Dinner at Communal with LONG but not FORGOTTEN. Friends from my BYU days.
What a night.  I haven't seen some of these peeps for 17 years. Funny how things never change the minute you see them.  Old jokes and innuendo's that are still just as funny as the day you said them 20 years ago. I have spent hours upon hours laughing with some of these folks.  Two in particular. ;) (My camera was finicky that night. Argh!)
Wishing Ashley the best birthday EVER!
Lily after school "pretending" to do homework at my desk.
Okay, she wasn't pretending.  She was just letting me see how cute
she is in those braids!
A framed poster that hangs in Lily's room.  I mean EVERY.SINGLE.WORD. that it says.
Just now.  She doesn't sleep? Then I don't sleep. So we blog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone