Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Came Too Soon!

Last night, I had a great idea for my Monday morning blog post, but it was foiled when I got way too into watching Downton Abbey and my latest mind sucker, Friday Night Lights.  Note: I only watch Friday Night Lights on my Netflix account, on occasion, via my cell phone wearing earphones.  That way,  I don't have to hear the groans coming from Martin about why I am wasting my time with this show. 

Truth is, I don't know "why" because: A. It is no longer on TV. B. It isn't funny. C. The characters don't have British accents, nor do they wear time period appropriate clothing. The last two have long been my standards for TV viewing.

 So, instead, I will show you some cute pictures that I had on my cell phone of my sweet little sidekick.
Hope you've had a good Monday.  Here's to Tuesday being even better!